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Advanced technology and equipment to make the best quality floating dredging hose


- Booster pumps/booster stations significantly improve production over longer pumping distances and can be delivered for smaller standard dredgers, as well as larger custom-built vessels.
- Booster pumps/booster stations contain pumps which give a ‘boost’ to the dredger’s pumps making it possible to transport dredged material over longer distances.


When choosing a booster station, selecting the right combination of engine and pump is essential. Our technical knowledge and field experience ensures that the functionality of your booster is guaranteed. Features include:
- High efficiency dredge pump
- Process monitoring and automation
- Remote control from dredger possible
- From standard to fully custom-built designs
- Interfaces with other equipment
- Balanced and rigid design
- Identical spare parts for dredger and booster

FeatureTypical areas of operation

- Harbors
- Rivers
- Canals
- Restricted areas
- Sewage/power plants
- Emptying foundation piles

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